We ran a bit of an experiment in advanced studio production this term. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of my students, it turned into a challenging, yet fun, production.
One semester.
Twelve students.
Three thirty-minute episodes of a mockumentary-style sit com based on life in a newsroom.
This team wrote, starred in, shot and edited the production, which took place mainly in our studio. It was an effort of Herculean proportions that they proposed and took on themselves. To complicate matters, construction happening behind the studio kept changing some of the background for outside shots, not to mention added noise and vibration to the festivities.
The episodes will air on our PEG channel partner, CMAC. They are linked below.
While news is my thing, I LOVE the creativity and enthusiasm of the non-news studio students. These classes are smile-inducing even as they generate a lot of work for all involved. It's a labor of love.
The idea behind this class is to give senior multimedia students a creative outlet to show off their skills in a portfolio-level assignment. Each student pitches a show idea, and they vote for which they wish to do. I was expecting a talk or discussion-based show; they proposed Technical Difficulties. We discussed what this format would entail, and they said LET'S DO IT!
Not surprisingly, it was a bit more work than anticipated. Lessons and skills learned as far as shot sequencing, audio production, and editing schedules were well worth the effort.
Yes, technical difficulties did happen (rim shot!). Said difficulties made the third episode a bit more scattered than anticipated. Next time I teach this class, I will have some firmer timelines in place for each of the segments we're producing, with more pad time built in.
Regardless, I am super proud with the sheer determination of this bunch. I can't wait to see what they do professionally!
Here is the opening sequence for Technical Difficulties. That best boss mug now lives in my office.
And here are the completed episodes: