Ah, the age-old question: How do I find a job in media?
This is one area where corporate consolidation has been beneficial. One website can connect you to hundreds of jobs at tv or radio stations around the country. Another website, another couple of hundred.
I don't remember exactly why I started this document back in the day, but I'm glad I did. It was personalized by my Central California colleagues when I lived in that area, but I have since made it more geographically generic to be helpful to students and other job seekers all over the country. It does not hit on every broadcast and digital media entity, but it does cover a lot of them.
As media ownership shifts around and companies buy and sell their holdings, these links will change. I will try to keep up! If you find a broken link, drop me a line to let me know!
As a side note, when I got started in this business, we had to send VHS tapes (remember those?) through snail mail (remember that?) to stations we were interested in working for. My first director tracks were recorded on 3/4-inch (see below).
Now, thanks to wix, WordPress, vimeo and YouTube, links are king!